Sunday, October 14, 2012

Arthritis and Bone Treatment

Arthritis is a joint disorder that includes inflammation. The joints are part of the body which is where two different bones meet. Joint functions to move the body parts connected by its bones. Arthritis literally means inflammation of one or more. Arthritis is often accompanied by joint pain. There are many types of arthritis (over 100 and counting). Among others, which includes cartilage damage caused by the use (such as osteoarthritis) to associated with inflammation resulting from an overactive immune system (such as rheumatoid arthritis). Because many different types of arthritis that forms the most common chronic disease in America. 

Do you people with arthritis? 
Do not worry, arthritis can be cured by taking propolis. Yes, propolis is a kind of sap or resin which is produced by bees. Why propolis can overcome arthritis? This happens because propolis contains all the minerals needed by the body unless sulfur. Minerals such as calcium, phosphorus, magnesium and zinc that is needed there all joints in propolis. Addition of propolis also contains vitamin D which is needed for the body's absorption of calcium so that maximum. 

The people around me especially those suffering from arthritis I recommend to do propolis treatment, the results are fantastic. Many of those who experienced healing after treatment with propolis. Mr. Wasis one of them, he is a former badminton athletes who experience arthritis at the age of 60 years. Arthritis is the kind he experienced knee arthritis. The knee pain is very badly, some way has been done primarily injectable glucosamine. But the result is only a moment, after 2 months of arthritis recurred. Finally he was desperate and he let arthritis that eventually both knees swollen and he could not walk for 10 years. When I met him the first time, I immediately recommend to consume propolis, propolis propolis drunk is kind of australia. The result is good, after consuming the content of 20% popolis knees already deflated. Then I try with Brazilian propolis results are more powerful, faster reaction. Finally, I suggest using propolis Brazil until now. The results for 3 months, she was able to walk normally, his knees bent and he was able to able to work again as before. The conclusion propolis is a very good herb for arthritis. Be careful for patients with kidney failure, because it can't be consumed for patients with kidney failure.

This propolis I recomended to people suffer arthritis, this is 99% proven. 


jade said...

Yet the poor old things get starved of fluids and struggle to clean up the blood. his comment is here

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