Disclosure Statement

The content of this blog and website are writen and edited by me, gunawan. The compentation I receive as an affiliate marketer to provide my opinion on the products, services and various other topics does not affect the topics or posts I make in this blog.
I abide by worth of mouth marketing standards and believe in honesty of relationship, opinion and idedntity.
Unlike so many who promote Internet marketing products, I am NOT a product launch monger who promotes ever product - good or bad - that hits the market. The view and opinions expressed in this blog purely my own. I always provide my honest opinion, findings, beliefs, or experience on those topics or products.
In rare cases, I will mention mention product that I have not personallya reviewed. However,this only occurs when Iam familiar with the manufacturer's previous products and I am satisfied that he or she only produces only high quality goods.
Regardless, I will mention if and when I do not have a personal experience with the product.
Any product claim, statistic, quote or other representation about the product or services should be verified with the manufacturer, provider nor party in question.


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