Sunday, October 21, 2012

Propolis for Herpes

How are you healthy style people? I recently read a lot of articles about herpes. Why? because so many people were affected by the disease herpes today, including me once mengalamiunya about 3 months ago. Herpes often occurs when the change of seasons. The disease is characterized by the emergence of a kind of small bubbles of water in the skin. Incidentally I experienced it in the chest and neck. It was hot as hell, body fever, even I had difficulty breathing disorders. Herpes so painful I had time.

Herpes at the back
But I can not keep silent just like that, I remembered that I still had the Australian bee propolis with a content of 50%, why are Australian bee proppolis? because many of my colleagues who suffer from skin diseases cured by australian bee propolis. Finally propolis I drank 10 drops, 3 times a day before meals. In addition I also use propolis soap for bathing. I'm also my bath used as drops with propolis, because I was afraid my wife and children later I contracted herpes. After a shower, I also apply propolis to the affected body part herpes.

After 3 days I did teatment herbs, I noticed that herpes on my body began to dry up, almost 70% is dry. My body is also improved, no heat and no fever anymore.  . Exactly one week I did the treatment, I see the scars on my body herpes is peeling and clean, usually herpes sore need more time to heal, the cost was usually greater than the treatment I did. 
For  healthy style friends who suffer herpes, you could try using australian bee propolis and propolis soap for the treatment of herpes you. Hopefully a speedy recovery so ...

Bee Propolis, Good for Heart Swollen

Halo healthy style people, about 2 months ago I met a few people with various health problems. One of them is Mr. Beny, he is an old friend of mine who is 2 years is not met.Turns out he was married, he went to my house with his wife, who suffered from heart disease swollen. When I look at the hands and feet swell big enough. But still great swelling kidney failure patients. I was very sorry because she seems to be very agitated with the swelling.

Foot with heart swollen
After about 10 minutes I spoke with both of them, then I know that she suffered heart swollen since she was 5, now she is 22. With a simple, I offer them to consume brazilian bee propolis, I gave 50% the levels of bee propolis. In addition, I added the Papua ant nest, a parasite that is very nutritious for health and only on the island of Papua, Indonesia. I am told that nest semutnya boiled using a clay pot. The use of aluminum pans proved very bad for the efficacy of an anthill. Propolis is taken 10 minutes before meals, while the ant nest taken after meals. 
3 days later my friend Benny called me and said that the swelling had gone down her body, she also was able to work again as before. I was surprised to hear that. I am very happy, but still I would suggest not to be too heavy to move. Because people do not recover the same as healthy people. 
From Beny's wife cases, I take the conclusion that Brazilian bee propolis combined with ant nest papua is great for cardiovascular disease swollen. Since that moment, I recommend to anyone with a heart swollen condition to consume Brazilian bee propolis and Papua ant nest. Many of them are save till right now. It's a miracle I think.

7 Dangers of Using High Heel Shoes

Hello shoe mates, certainly among you all there who like to wear high heel shoes. Why do you like to wear high heel shoes? look beautiful, sexy, graceful and more attractive? Maybe that's why you wear high heel shoes. But do you know that often wear high heel shoes a lot of negative impact on your health. Here are 7 dangers of using high heel shoes

Osteoarhritis is a problem that often arises due to the use of high heels. The symptoms are pain and stiffness in the joints of bones. Usually the complaint appears in persenndian knee and hip pain, and if left unchecked will spread in the surrounding muscles. This is a warning for you young fella who likes to style wear high heels to the right than 5 centimeters. You may experience inflammation of the pelvis, thigh, knee and even down to the spine. Arthritis sufferers include diseases with the highest in the U.S..

2.Varises feet
When you wear high heels, the legs are in a condition tiptoe. With conditions such tiptoe muscles are back heel and calf constantly tense. So the blood vessels become depressed, well that can cause your legs varicose disease. Disease that makes her thighs and calves look ugly. You do not want to look ugly right?

3. Pelvic disorders
This area is an easy target for your users high heels, because of the pressure on the foot so as to be abnormal menyebabkkann size and ass size increases. Even more seremnya again guys, in pregnant women can lead to their hard labor. In the worst conditions, can menguranngi fertility alias barren, hmm ..

4. Crooked finger
Narrow space at the end of high heels will force your toes to bend the middle joint. If you continue to linger finger muscles in the second, third and fourth can bend and hold. That's dangerous, because you could be bending the finger continues even when not wearing high heels.

5. Enlarged toe
Position your feet are not comfortable mmembuat your finger bone growth becomes normal. Usually the joint at the base of the big toe will be enlarged. This will force the thumb to grow sideways towards your toes the other. Your feet could get ugly dude.

6. benign tumors
Shoe mates, high heels have the right height and the front of the shoe too tight? Wow, this is a neural network for the third and fourth fingers you thicken. Originally fingers will be sore and over time will be numb. Then if left unchecked will become calloused. Well calluses that you take for granted can be transformed into a benign tumor you know!

7. Metatarsalgia
The symptoms are pain in the soles of the feet up to the ankles, this is because the use of high heels too you know!

Well, now you know that wearing high heel shoes was a lot of danger. If you use only occasionally is okay, but if you use it continuously as was the risk. Although no high heel shoes I'm sure the shoe mates still pretty anyway. OK

Sunday, October 14, 2012

Arthritis and Bone Treatment

Arthritis is a joint disorder that includes inflammation. The joints are part of the body which is where two different bones meet. Joint functions to move the body parts connected by its bones. Arthritis literally means inflammation of one or more. Arthritis is often accompanied by joint pain. There are many types of arthritis (over 100 and counting). Among others, which includes cartilage damage caused by the use (such as osteoarthritis) to associated with inflammation resulting from an overactive immune system (such as rheumatoid arthritis). Because many different types of arthritis that forms the most common chronic disease in America. 

Do you people with arthritis? 
Do not worry, arthritis can be cured by taking propolis. Yes, propolis is a kind of sap or resin which is produced by bees. Why propolis can overcome arthritis? This happens because propolis contains all the minerals needed by the body unless sulfur. Minerals such as calcium, phosphorus, magnesium and zinc that is needed there all joints in propolis. Addition of propolis also contains vitamin D which is needed for the body's absorption of calcium so that maximum. 

The people around me especially those suffering from arthritis I recommend to do propolis treatment, the results are fantastic. Many of those who experienced healing after treatment with propolis. Mr. Wasis one of them, he is a former badminton athletes who experience arthritis at the age of 60 years. Arthritis is the kind he experienced knee arthritis. The knee pain is very badly, some way has been done primarily injectable glucosamine. But the result is only a moment, after 2 months of arthritis recurred. Finally he was desperate and he let arthritis that eventually both knees swollen and he could not walk for 10 years. When I met him the first time, I immediately recommend to consume propolis, propolis propolis drunk is kind of australia. The result is good, after consuming the content of 20% popolis knees already deflated. Then I try with Brazilian propolis results are more powerful, faster reaction. Finally, I suggest using propolis Brazil until now. The results for 3 months, she was able to walk normally, his knees bent and he was able to able to work again as before. The conclusion propolis is a very good herb for arthritis. Be careful for patients with kidney failure, because it can't be consumed for patients with kidney failure.

This propolis I recomended to people suffer arthritis, this is 99% proven. 

Friday, October 12, 2012

Characteristic Features of Aids Sufferers

Characteristic features of Aids sufferers, here are the hallmark characteristic of AIDS patients that we could find of the characteristics of patients with AIDS Aids in general is difficult to know. There are no physical characteristics specific to people with HIV, because the virus attacks the immune system, the characteristics that look so common diseases.

Physical symptoms typically seen when emerging new opportunitis infections, infections that appear in the advanced stages of HIV. The shape is also not different from the people affected by the disease but not for HIV, kind tuberculosis, Kaposi's sarcoma, swollen lymph nodes, etc.. To know for sure ya check the blood for the presence of the HIV virus. Almost all common lab can, but should first consult with a doctor who used to deal with HIV.

Some of the symptoms in people who may be infected with HIV

People with AIDS will look lethargic, listless and weak. Susceptible to all kinds of diseases.
In the phase of weight, people with AIDS will look very thin, dilated pupils, lying limp and weak will die waiting.

The characteristics of HIV / AIDS is a person may experience decreased immunity or immunity, it can be seen an infected virus would easily a flu-like illness for a long time healing. If you have an advanced stage would be very vulnerable once he could develop complications of various diseases. Such as diarrhea, respiratory infections, skin blisters, weight loss continues to decline and the patient was thin and dry.

A person can be infected if he had sexual intercourse by turns both heterosexual and homosexual, and the more vulnerable the hub neighbor, could be from transfusion of infected blood from a syringe can ever diapak same patient.

Currently tests done to determine the person has HIV or not is an examination of CD4 and viral load. A person is said to have AIDS when there is infection with HIV-related opportunistic infections or cancers or HIV infection and CD4 less than 200/dl. Once infected, a person will show symptoms of primary. Such as, fever, muscle aches, joint pain, weakness, sores on the skin / mouth, enlarged lymph nodes, headaches, depression, nausea, vomiting and diarrhea. These symptoms last for 2-6 weeks and get better with or without treatment.

Furthermore, asymptomatic stage occurs approximately 5-10 years. Then, the new course of the disease entering the stage of AIDS when there has been a long fever, cough, weight loss, diarrhea, shortness of breath, loss of consciousness, visual disturbances accompanied by opportunistic infections such as vaginal discharge in the mouth, tuberculosis, pneumonia and other P.carinii.

As quoted, Thursday (06/10/2010) when a person infected with the early symptoms sometimes appear similar to the flu or viral infection sedang.Gejala early signs of HIV include fever, headache, fatigue, nausea, diarrhea and swollen lymph nodes in the neck, armpit or groin.

These symptoms are similar to other viral infections. Therefore, many people infected with HIV do not realize that he had been infected for many years, so it reaches an advanced stage.

Centers for Disease Control (Center for Disease Control / CDC) reveals there are some symptoms In adults, indicating an advanced stage of HIV, namely:

Losing weight quickly without any reason.
Dry cough.
Recurring fever or sweating at night.
Diarrhea is more than a week.
Memory loss.
Depression and other neurological disorders.

One way to detect it is to measure the number of white blood cells, because usually someone with HIV will have a white blood cell count is small. HIV is not an easy disease to be diagnosed, there are two things to note is that there are recognizable symptoms and examination by a doctor.

HIV is caused mostly by the behavior of mutually exchange sex partners without using condoms or those who used drugs since the turn of a syringe.

HIV is transmitted through:
Sexual intercourse and oral sex or through the anus.
Blood transfusion.
The joint use of contaminated needles by drug injection and in health care.
Between mother and baby during pregnancy, birth and lactation. Source

Wednesday, October 10, 2012

Health is A Destination

        Lack of knowledge about the health of a person, place themselves in a very risky life. Health is not something to be objective, but it is considered a capital used remedy to pursue another dream. In turn, when health is gone from him, someone willing to lose everything in order to restore health. Ironically, this is the most happening anmun.

     We always hope to go through life without any health problems. However, health is one of the things in life that can not be predicted before. Not infrequently we meet previously looked hale and hearty, later suffered a stroke, and even sudden death from a heart attack.

         It was as if everyone has a time bomb, which does not know when to explode. It makes us feel worried about the state of our health. Cost of care and treatment that will most we spend when we fall ill, productivity will also fall, causing the decline of income, commissions, turnover and so on. In addition, we also will be a burden for others. Therefore choosing a healthy lifestyle is the best.

Tuesday, October 9, 2012

Mangosteen, The Queen of Fruit

Mangosteen (Garcinia mangostana L.) is a kind of perennial green tree tropical regions believed to come from the Indonesia archipelago. Growing up to 7 to 25 meters. The fruit also called mangosteen, purplish red when ripe, although there are variants of red skin. The mangosteen fruit is known in the trade as the "queen of fruits", the durian pair, the "king of fruits". This fruit contains many kind of antioxidants, a substance named xanthones and has anti-inflammatory activity. So that overseas mangosteen fruit is known as having the world's highest levels of antioxidants. Mangosteen fruit is most nutritious when taken in the form of juice fruit flesh and skin. Here are some benefits of consuming mangosteen :

1. Preventing and Treating cancer
Both the fruit and the skin, mangosteen can prevent and treat cancers such as liver cancer, leukemia, breast cancer, colon cancer, prostate cancer and others. With frequent consumption of fruit manggosteen cancer will be able to be prevented by itself. Experts are currently also investigating further the benefits of this fruit as an anti-cancer drug.

2. Fight Free Radicals
Mangosteen actually capable of inhibiting free radicals in the body, this is because the content of anti-oxidants in mangosteen fruit is very high.

3. Treating dangerous disease
Mangosteen is not only as an anti-cancer drug, mangosteen is also capable of lowering cholesterol, lowering uric acid, lowering blood pressure, treating kidney stones and kidney failure, Alzheimer's, stroke, and liver cirrhosis.
ORAC following data contained in mangosteen fruit

4. Lose Weight
Apparently mangosteen could to lose weight, this is because the substances xanthones in the mangosteen fruit and bark that can shrink the enlarged cells. The results using mangosteen fruit diet is quite significant.

5. Healthy Eyes
Mangosteen fruit is able to nourish the eyes, it is because the anti-oxidants in mangosteen fruit that can reduce and eliminate the excess protein in the lens of the eye. This makes the vision becomes brighter, clearer and fresher eyes. The mangosteen fruit is also able to treat cataracts and glaucoma.

6. Improve stamina, strength and energy
The content of various substances in the mangosteen fruit and the skin is able to help the metabolism of carbohydrates and protein in the body that causes the body to become more healthy and full of energy.

7. Anti aging
The anti-oxidants and xanthone in mangosteen fruit and bark proved capable of making your skin smoother, brighter and capable mengrungai effects of premature aging such as wrinkles and dark spots on the skin. During 3 months of regular consumption of fruit juice and mangosteen peel is a lot of people to be like 10 years younger.

Want the best mangosteen juice?
I recommended you the prooven one

Monday, October 8, 2012

7 Benefits of Cycling for Health

Bicycles are one of the means of transportation that is very good for nature and the human body. For nature, bicycles are pollution-free transportation, bike in big cities to be the solution to overcome the bottleneck. For the human body, cycling is a sport that is very healthy and enjoyable. Cycling can be done by anyone regardless of age and gender, everyone can ride it.

Want to know more what are the health benefits of ? Here is his review:

1. Biking good for your heart: Sports cycling fitness closely associated with increased cardiovascular or heart and blood vessel health, and reduced risk of coronary heart disease.

2. Biking good for muscles: Riding a bike is very good for toning and building muscle, especially in the lower body such as the calves, thighs, and rear.

3. Keeping the ideal waist size remains: You can burn a lot of calories while biking, especially when it comes to menggowes faster than usual. Cycling is not only effective in helping you lose weight, but also increase metabolism.

4. Extend life: Biking is the best way to improve your life. Some research suggests that regular cycling activity has been associated with increasing age, even when it should be tailored to the risk of injury while riding a bicycle.

5. Cycling for coordination: Active move both legs to pedal, while second-hand steering control is a good practice to train your body coordination skills.

6. Good for mental health: Cycling has been associated with increased mental health.

7. Boost the immune system: Cycling can strengthen the immune system, as well as a means of protection against certain types of cancer.

Wow, it turns cycling has many benefits. Imagine if everyone took the time to ride 30 minutes. Health conditions would have been much better. So, cycling including healthy style.


Do not have a bike or want to buy a new bike?
I recommended this amazing bike for you

Saturday, October 6, 2012

Amazing Bees

         Bees are very special creatures of God. In some scriptures bees have even called a lot of advantages compared to other creatures, especially honeybees, bumblebees are so many types of benefit to humans. Because each coming out of the stomachs of honey bees is a natural remedy for humans.

        Honeybees produce many products such as honey, royal jelly, pollen, propolis and venom. All products have had a very real benefit to human health. Honeybees are very unique animals, which she just suck thing else that is good. He never takes material that is ugly and destructive. Because that's something that comes out of his mouth is very hygienic. Not just coming out of his mouth, honeycomb is also very sterile even referred to as the most sterile places on earth. This is because honey bees have an anti-viral, anti-bacterial and anti-fungal in propolis.

          In addition the material is removed from the honey bee is also an anti expired, for example, pure honey will be more efficacious as the longer storage life. Similarly, propolis, royal jelly and pollen, all of them are anti expired. Therefore, often consuming the products of bee honey, your body will be guaranteed a healthier, younger and more vibrant.

Hello People

Hello guys, how are you today?
I hope you have a very nice day

This is my new blog. My blog is named Love Healthy Style. My blog will tell you about how to live healthy, how to get younger, amazing herbs and many more. I will help you by using this blog , so i hope you will love my blog and follow it.

So, i think that's the introduction of my blog

Best regards


Friday, October 5, 2012

The importance of herbs

            Health is the most precious thing in human life. Health body, strong and productive always been everyone's dream. Currently people on earth began to realize that the importance of health. In contrast to some time ago where people still lack awareness of the importance of health. The emergence of various diseases today is suppose to be because people are beginning to realize the importance of having a healthy body. World health now also growing very rapidly both the medical and herbal world. This blog will explain how to obtain a healthy life in a natural and safe, with no side effects. 
          Prevention is always better than cure, that's what should be the basis of our in leading a healthy life. Health may be obtained naturally through a healthy diet, adequate rest and regularly, avoid stress and think positively. But in today's world of fast-paced it was so hard to live it all.With the current life styles that are modern emerged a variety of new problems in human beings that is difficult to obtain a quality healthy life. How not rapidly increasing number of cancer patients in the last 20 years, as well as heart disease, diabetes and stroke. Fast food, electromagnetic wave radiation, pollution is a wide range of causes of decline in the quality of human health today. Want to live healthy? you have to spend a lot of money. Oh yes, not necessarily, because now there is a wide range of therapies and traditional treatments that are effective and very safe. In addition to the negative side, the progress of time also produced a positive thing in modern natural herbs.
         For example the Chinese, in addition to the current economy is growing very rapidly, the medical world is also growing in china is not less rapid. Chinese herbs are known to be efficacious for treating various diseases. In addition there is the traditional method of acupuncture treatment is also very much demand today. From the middle east traditional medicine is also growing rapidly, the products of Arabia also began flooding the world market, especially in developing countries. Not to mention Japan, Korea and countries in tropical regions such as Brazil and Indonesia. Herbs in the country is growing rapidly.
           Why herbal developments currently very rapidly? because the terms prevention is better than cure that actually realized today. Besides medical health costs are very expensive to make people choose herbs, no side effects because in addition to its relatively low cost also.

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